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Single/Continuous play and Delay Before/After play v1.2.0.0 DOWNLOAD
Category: Playback \ Player
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2017-08-03 08:18:10 last updated 2017-08-03 08:18:10
Single/Continuous play and Delay Before/After play Plugin Image Single/Continuous is equivalent to what is found on professional CD players. With Single On the focus stays on the same song in the Play Now list, without advancing to and start of the next song. This comes in handy for dance instructors so they can play the same song over and over again. With Repeat or Continuous the same song will be played in a loop, over and over again like auto repeat. Optionally with a delay. Delay before or after playing is partly based on Silence between songs. The difference is that the delay/silence is within the time-frame of the song. So when you press play the selected song will be played after the delay or the delay is added after the music ends before advancing to the next song. This way it can be combined with shuffle and Repeat. The delay before is very handy for dance instructors as this gives them time to walk over to the dance floor. Its identical to a timer for a camera shot, giving you time to take place in front of the camera. The delay time and Before/After is settable from the toolbar.
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 Version Updated Update Description
v1.2.0.0 2017-08-03 08:18:10 Initial Release